A Vision for Sustainable Change
In fresno, california
hector chavez
Fresno, California (Hidalgo)
In many communities around the world today, great need is a daily reality. Often education, training, and opportunities are limited - and for people growing up in the middle of these difficult situations, a vision for change can be hard to see. What happens when local leaders - people who have grown up in and understand the needs and strengths of a community - are empowered with a vision for sustainable change?
Below, you’ll read a story from Hector about his journey alongside Nancy - both serving in Fresno, California. You’ll see how because of your generosity, leaders are being empowered to find innovative and sustainable solutions to big needs in communities around the world.
“As you walk through the neighborhoods of Fresno, one of the first things you’ll notice is how different life can be just a few streets away. It’s a city where some areas get a lot of attention and support, while others are sort of pushed to the sidelines. Often people grow up here without a vision for themselves - without clear pathways for growth or change, and that was true for me too.”
“I grew up in a small neighborhood in Fresno called Lowell, and while I was still in Middle School, I met a woman named Nancy who cared for the people there. I didn’t understand what her job was at the time, but I knew that she cared - and that when people in the community needed support, she was someone they could go to.”
nancy donat
Fresno, California (Lowell)
“As I got older, I learned more about Nancy - learned about her role as a Catalyst with One Collective and the vision to see Lowell transformed. I watched as she brought leaders from our community together with the needs that were present here, and I grew to understand that there was a way forward for our neighborhood, and for myself.”
“There was a moment when I realized that I wanted to do more than watch our community change - I wanted to be involved myself. I started to ask what it would look like to work like Nancy - bringing people together to find sustainable fixes to the problems I had seen all my life.”
“Just blocks away from Lowell, the neighborhood where I grew up, is a community called Hidalgo. It’s a place with a lot of similar problems. When I was younger, my connection was always to Lowell -but as I started to think more about what it would mean to serve people in this city, I realized that Hidalgo was a community that needed significant attention and love too. For years, Nancy had worked in Lowell - and Hidalgo needed that same kind of care and attention. The community needed someone that really understood the problems that people were facing and could work alongside them to create lasting change.”
“Over a year ago now - I started work with One Collective in Hidalgo as a Catalyst - and a lot has changed since then. I’ve been on a journey to get to know the people of this community and the needs that they face, and though the community is small - the needs are diverse and urgent.”
“In a short-term sense, we’re looking at meeting “immediate needs” in the community - things like access to COVID related healthcare and the effects of the pandemic on our community. In the long-term sense though, we’re trying to look at the big picture - trying to engage the community to have ownership over the things that will improve their lives and community over time.”
“I’ve come to recognize that creating a shared vision for transformation in the community is critical. Like me - many people here care deeply about helping others around them, but lack a pathway forward. I know now that change is possible. When passionate people and other leaders work together to create a sustainable way forward - the whole community can be transformed. In Hidalgo and Lowell - this work is happening today because of your support. Thank you.”