Short-TerM Teams with One Collective
Send Teams that Create Long-term Impact
Leaders considering short-term teams often come across objections and concerns related to cost, poor missiology, and long-term impact.
At One Collective, we are committed to creating experiences that combine personal development of team members with impact that continues long after a team departs.
Through a global strategy focused on sustainable change, short-term teams with One Collective are positioned for effectiveness in long-term community impact and personal growth goals at every step of the process.
Short-term Teams with One Collective
Part of long-term work in existing community locations, ensuring impact continues to develop after a team departs
Intentionally focus on cross-cultural learning for each participant as a key objective of each team
Provide team participants and leaders with a wealth of resources that help them prepare for and reflect on their experience serving
Introduce team members to real-world elements of holistic, collaborative, and sustainable work
Guide leaders and participants through each step of the journey from pre-field training to on-field debriefs and follow ups after a team has returned home

Why Teams Fail to Create Impact
For the last decade, there is a simple idea that has crippled effectiveness and created harmful impressions across short-term work; the idea that teams are more costly than the impact they create.
It’s not that the equation isn’t important - it is. It’s that this equation fails to measure key elements of impact that short-term work creates - and the role teams can play when connected with existing long-term work around the world.
The result of this equation is that teams often prioritize projects that are more “tangible” than impactful - and team members are measured on their performance instead of the growth happening in themselves.
For a short-term team to be effective - it must prioritize long-term change for both participants, and the people they serve.
Across global work - you will find people whose lives were dramatically changed on a short-term team. Their journey with serving began with experiencing a new culture for the first time and grew into a passion to join what Jesus is doing in our world today.
When personal growth is critical goal instead of a side-focus, the impact of teams grow exponentially - and when teams are paired with a proven model centered on creating change the way Jesus did - lasting change is the norm, not the exception.
Teams with One Collective go through a proven process that prioritizes long-term personal growth and community impact at every stage.
Types of Short-Term Teams:
One Collective offers several types of teams to help you engage with work happening around the world. Click any item to learn more.
Travel to a One Collective community and spend time alongside a Catalyst and local leaders who are creating change. Serve others, experience local culture, and develop personally as your team joins what Jesus is doing.
Get an up-close look from far-away. Join a Catalyst and workers in touring a specific community. Learn about work happening, challenges the team faces, and how you can engage with long-term work.
Join long-term work in less-traditional ways. Use your skills and experience to help teams with initiatives and projects that require specific expertise or industry knowledge. Help create plans and work that reaches communities effectively.

Three Ways to Engage:
Send a Team
Equip your Church, School, or Business to join work happening around the world. Learn about how you can partner with a One Collective location and empower your community to be part of long-term impact.
Lead a Team
Guide team members through a process that prioritizes personal growth and long-term impact. Get equipped with resources and training that prepares you to join what Jesus is doing and empower others to do the same.
Join a Team
Join others and experience impactful work in communities around the world. Explore new cultures, build relationships, and discover how your gifts and experience connects with what Jesus is doing.
Connect with a Global Teams Coordinator
Talk with a One Collective Coordinator about how you can engage with short-term teams that create long-term impact. We’ll help you work through common questions and explore opportunities that might be a good fit for you.