Finding Healing & Unity Together
In Tulovo,Bulgaria
January 11th, 2022 | One Collective
Just off of the neatly paved streets, past the crowds and the noise, hidden in plain sight, you will find oppressed and marginalized people in communities around the world. Often these people face cycles of poverty, segregation, and division that have lasted for generations.
What does it take for people in these communities to find lasting change? What does it look like when people in a community start to see and love the invisible people next to them? Margie, a Catalyst serving in Tulovo, Bulgaria, shares about how healing and transformation is beginning in a divided community.
“One of the defining things you will notice about our community here in Tulovo is the division between people groups. Inside our small town, things look as you might expect – shopping, stores and schools. There is a population made up of almost entirely ethnic Bulgarians, but in Tulovo nearly half of the population is set apart from the city intentionally. This second group is made up of people called Rroma. The Rroma (often called Gypsies) are a people without a home – settling where they can in Europe and beyond.
They often live in extreme poverty and without basic rights. In most countries, the Rroma people are unwelcome and unwanted – and here in Tulovo, this discrimination is at the core of cycles of poverty, division, and segregation happening today.”
Margie Brown
Tulovo, Bulgaria
“One thing I have found helpful to understand about the Rroma here is that they have a very ‘day-to-day’ view of life. The effect that outlook on life has is that cycles form easily - and people are often stuck dealing with the same problems their family has been carrying for generations. For the Rroma, and others who see the struggles they face, it can feel hopeless.
A great example of this is education. For a people group in survival mode - focused on the next day - the value of a traditional learning experience just isn’t there. It’s not hard to see how this contributes to the cycles of poverty and harmful stereotypes the Rroma face.
But segregation and division are not the end of the story for the Rroma or Tulovo. Lasting change is beginning here, and we can see a future where our community finds unity and healing.
Right now, we are working on a number of key initiatives focused around education and discipleship. A lot of this work focuses on school support and encouraging kids and teams to really pursue their education. Through the recent addition of a community center, we have a building that provides space to meet and gather on community initiatives - working together with younger Rroma and underprivileged Bulgarian children as we develop an after-school program for them.”
“Something I am noticing more and more in our community is that young people in particular are beginning to dream a little bit. We had a group of girls come to us and express that they wanted to become hairstylists. Another young woman, Mira, came to us and said that she wanted to help build a preschool program, because she sees the impact that would have on the future of our community. Those examples are simple - but for a people group focused on survival, they show that healing and change is already happening today. We are also seeing community members, local schools, and local government begin to take hold of the idea that the community can find ways to bridge the division that has been present for so many years.
As the people in our community learn to work together and see one another without longstanding stereotypes - healing and unity will be made possible. This is the model Jesus showed us - looking at the real person, showing them their value, and empowering them to help others too. When people are empowered to tear down the walls of division and work together - the whole community can be transformed. In Tulovo and around the world today - this is happening because of your support. Thank you.”