Scott Olson

President & CEO


Contact Information:


What would you like participants to know about your family?

I am married to Jill (she does payroll for AWANA), and have two grown and married sons (David and Daniel), a perfect granddaughter named Ava Grace (feel free to ask me to show you photos), and a kind and loving dog named Coltrane (photos available upon request).

What are your hobbies? What is a fun fact you would like the participants to know about you?

I hate board games, love music (Jazz and Classic Rock), despise christian-ease and pat answers, and will always prefer a meaningful conversation about something that matters over small talk.

What do you hope participants will take away from your session(s)?


What would you like to share with participants about how you connect with the Lord, as an encouragement to them?

I connect with Jesus in unconventional ways that work for me. I gave up on traditional, formulaic methods that don't fit the way my heart and brain are wired. I am free from guilt and shame over the way I connect with Jesus and I love the deep, honest, and growing journey that we are on together.


Jon Steppe