Scott Worley

Community development strategist


Contact Information:


What would you like participants to know about your family?

Married to Yolanda (a seamstress who owns her own small children's clothing business), with three children – Olivia (12), Owen (10), and Musa (8).

What are your hobbies? What is a fun fact you would like the participants to know about you?

In between work and all the school events, pick-ups and drop-offs, I am an avid reader, writer and runner!

What do you hope participants will take away from your session(s)?

A vision & passion for innovative & sustainable development approaches which catalyse unity, accentuate local voices, and support people to grow in their God-given identities & callings.

What would you like to share with participants about how you connect with the Lord, as an encouragement to them?

Daily quiet, prayer, reading & reflection time in the early morning; Seeking God's image in any and everyone; Simply being present in people's lives.


Mark Dyer

