Least-Reached Peoples Specialist
What would you like participants to know about your family?
I serve with One Collective (since 2001) as a missiologist and professor at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, previously living in the Middle East for 16 years. I am a facilitator of the Motus Dei Network and a researcher at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies. With a bias for all things Jesus, I actively support church multiplication movements among least-reached peoples by serving in the spaces between organizational leadership and grassroots disciple-making.
What are your hobbies? What is a fun fact you would like the participants to know about you?
At Fantasy Football, I win. But that's about the only place I win.
What do you hope participants will take away from your session(s)?
We will learn what God is doing through movements to transform lives and communities.
What would you like to share with participants about how you connect with the Lord, as an encouragement to them?
No heroes except Jesus.