Reactive to Proactive Mobilization

How a simple process can multiply cross - cultural workers

Upcoming Digital Workshop:

MAY 30, 2024

9:30 am CDT/10:30 am EDT

If you have few resources and many other responsibilities, proactively mobilizing people for Jesus’ global work can feel overwhelming. However, a simple process with a few key elements can make a huge difference for your church or organization.

Dave Childers, from our February Mobilization webinar, is back again to lead this workshop intended to offer greater depth and more practical ideas for identifying and developing cross-cultural workers. Dave serves as the Sending Network Director for Upstream Sending. He has decades of experience developing mobilization strategies as a church mission leader and as a consultant.

Whether you are a pastor, lay missions leader, or campus ministry leader, this interactive workshop is for you. Invite others on your team and learn together how to…

  • Identify good potential cross-cultural workers.

  • Create a simple mobilization pipeline.

  • Implement a few effective steps to develop new missionaries.

To register - click on the date below. Meeting details will be sent to your email.

Have other questions, or looking for more information? Send us a message here: