Preventative Health

Pray for Transformation in Central Bulgaria — Day 1



Our work in Bulgaria centers upon Tulovo, a small, impoverished town located about 10 miles north of Stara Zagora. There we are investing deeply in the Roma people who make up about half of Tulovo, and are the most marginalized and disadvantaged.


Preventative Health

One challenge we face, especially among Roma, is the lack of preventative health care information and resources. Rates of high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, and alcoholism are alarming. These result in a shorter life expectancy. With the opening of a new health clinic projected for early 2025, we would like to provide peer support and local resources for holistic lifestyle change.  


Prayer Points for Today:

For Preventative Health

  • For the staff at the clinic to provide excellent care and wise referrals in a caring and professional manner.

  • For discernment for our team as we identify the most urgent health concerns, and bring together both local and outside resources to facilitate change.

  • For partnership and collaboration among services, resulting in holistic and preventative practices as well as ongoing care for the sick.

  • For the elderly in the community to receive support and healthcare they need, so they can age in place well.


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Radical Discipleship


Further Initiatives