Improving Education

Pray for Transformation in Central Bulgaria — Day 3


Improving Education

We believe that education is crucial for a person’s future. It shapes their mindset and helps in breaking out of the cycle of poverty. However, many children don’t attend school regularly, and teenagers often drop out at a young age. Some parents don’t allow their children (especially girls) to continue their education after a certain age.


Prayer Points for Today:

  • That parents would highly value education, supporting and encouraging their children in school attendance.

  • For teachers and principals to have passion and a heart for working with these children, as well as wisdom and patience to be able to teach effectively.

  • For good connections with educational institutions and that our team can effectively support students while working closely together with them.

  • For a desire in children and youth to study and to make regular attendance a top priority.


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Vulnerable Children


Radical Discipleship