Podcast Recording Instructions

Thanks so much for agreeing to record with us!

Below are a few details to help you prepare. If you have any questions - just let us know!


  • This is a "live recording,"—meaning we're trying to record in one "take,"—but we can edit things out before we publish, so don't worry about making mistakes.

  • We are recording using a program that records your audio and video file locally on your computer - then sends it to us automatically over the internet when we’re finished. So don’t worry if you have slow internet.


  • A computer (Excluding chrome books) with good internet access or a mobile device with the Riverside.fm app.

  • A pair of headphones — this is essential. (if you have the white plug-in kind from Apple, those work great - wireless aren't usually as helpful, but work alright in a pinch)

  • Optional - A plug-in microphone (not necessary, but some people have one)

  • Here is a quick video on how to best prepare your computer and space for recording:

HOW to join

  • When it’s time - click the link in your calendar invite to join our virtual studio. Feel free to join early or test the link if you like.

  • No login required - just give yourself a name.

  • Select whether you are using headphones, then make sure your correct microphone, webcam, and speakers are selected on the right.

  • Give Chrome (and RiverSide.FM - the program) permission to use your computer microphone and camera. by clickingallow” on any popups that appear.

  • Then click Join Studio!

  • Record the interview together!

  • After we're done, wait for the “success” message that tells you your audio has been uploaded. (automatic, but takes a moment)