Is lasting Change Possible?

Global Wholistic and Sustainable Community Development


Master Check List

Other Resources

Course Work Book

Course Modules

Becoming a Successful STT Coordinator starts here

  • Best practice for using this training
  • Course introduction
  • How STT is ICT
  • How STT fits into your Community

Module 1

Vision & Purpose of STT

Learn how STT is the foundation of holistic community trnsformation

25 Minutes

Module 2

Preparing for a STT

Learn how STT is the foundation of holistic community trnsformation


Module 3

Hosting a STT

Learn how STT is the foundation of holistic community trnsformation

50 Minutes

Module 4

Success & Follow up

Learn how STT is the foundation of holistic community trnsformation

120 Minutes

Table of Contents


Vision & Purpose of STT

Module 1.1 - Vision Of STT

Module 1.2 - STT Role's

Module 1.3 How STT is a part of ICT

Module 1.4 - The purpose of STT and why they have a bad Rap

Module 1.4 - Timeline Overview t

Module 1.5 - How STT fits within Your Community

Module 1.6 - Other helpful things


Preparing for an STT

Module 2.1 - Initial Steps to Host

Module 2.2 - Logistics & Travel

Module 2.3 Finances & Creating a Trip Budget

Module 2.4 - Preparing the Team

Module 2.5 - Safty, Security, & Emergencies

Module 2.6 - Creating a Community Guide


Hosting a STT

Module 3.1 - Transportation, Lodging, Meals

Module 3.2 - Local Relationships

Module 3.3 - Orientation, Daily Debrief, Final Debrief

Module 3.4 - Activities, Projects, Tourism

Module 3.5 - Creating a Schedule

Module 3.6 - Local Case Studies: Success & Challenges


Success & Follow Up

Module 4.1 - Vision Of STT

Module 4.2 - STT Role's

Module 4.3 How STT is a part of ICT

Module 4.4 - The purpose of STT and why they have a bad Rap

Module 4.4 - Timeline Overview t

Module 4.5 - How STT fits within Your Community

Module 4.6 - Other helpful things

Your teachers

David Cooper

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