Fueling Partnership With Short-Term Teams (Post-Field)


When a fellowship or other goer group comes to serve with you in your community, they are partnering with you during the time they are there. However, we often overlook the potential for these short-term experiences to become a launch pad for other forms of partnership throughout the rest of the year. In order to maximize the potential for short-term teams to fuel holistic community transformation, we need to integrate them into ongoing, impactful partner relationships. Effective short-term team ministry should go hand-in-hand with committed relationships with fellowships and other organizational partnerships. 

The needs in your community are too big for you and your team, but God can use you as a doorway for fellowships and other organizations to have an impact through strategic partnership. This module is intended to help you use the short-term teams process to effectively develop deeper, more impactful partnerships.

In this Module you will learn:

  • What partnership looks like and why it’s important
  • How to prepare for partnership conversations
  • Details for the most important follow up conversations
  • Partnership considerations for the pre-community phase
  • Ways to promote partnership while a team is in your community
  • Steps for following up after a short-term team

Post - Field Role Breakdown

    • Have follow-up conversations with the STT Leader and, Organizational Goer-Group Leader(s) regarding partnership opportunities in conjunction with the Catalyst.

    • Consult with partners to further develop their global impact.

    • Guide Host Coordinator and Catalyst/Partnership Facilitator regarding identifying prospective partners, determining next steps, and fostering long-term partnerships.

    • Ensure healthy agreements are reached that are likely to meet expectations and have significant impact.

    • Debrief with STTs. Dept. Director regarding recent team and potential for next steps.

    • Debrief with STT Leader regarding recent team and potential for next steps.

    • Through effective communication and vision-casting before, during and after the trip, help move Goer-Groups toward a partnership commitment.

    • Work with your Catalyst (and local team) to host a STT in a way that fosters longer-term partnership.

    • Help Goer-Groups want further involvement by coordinating a positive experience that contributes to your long-term strategy and fosters growth and learning among goers.

    • Clearly identify partner needs and opportunities, as well as determine priorities and goals.

    • Take initiative to develop relationships with STT Leaders and Goer-Group Leaders.

    • Be committed to ongoing communication, updates and reports on progress toward shared goals.

    • Work with Global Partnerships Dept. on the partnership development process.

    • Look for ways that STT participants and the Goer-Group as a whole can play an ongoing role in holistic community transformation.

    • Serve as an advocate for future partnership and help connect Goer-Group Mission Leaders with the One Collective Catalyst.

    • Glean input from the STT leader/participants and One Collective leaders regarding potential for a partner relationship.

    • Determine next steps and timeline for further involvement from Goer-Group.

Section 1

What is Partnership?

Section 2

Preparing for Partners

Section 3

Developing Partners: Pre-Community

Section 4

Developing Partners: In-Community

Section 5

Developing Partners: Post-Community

Section 6

Strategic Partnership Conversations

Module Review

Hosting a Short-Term Team

Review the topics you learned in this module, and give feedback on what you learned

End of Module 4: Fueling Partnership With Short-Term Teams (Post-Field)