How Fundraising Is A Conduit For Blessing
How Fundraising Is a Conduit for Blessing
Support raising! Sound fun? Probably not. Most of us see support raising as a necessary task we have to perform to get on with the real work of ministry. We don’t think it has any of its own inherent value. But is that true? This article is written for future goers who might be worried about the prospect of support raising or questioning whether or not this is something that God would have them do. Fundraising is a conduit for blessing both for others and for yourself!
The Life Skills of Fundraising
The Life Skills of Fundraising
Fear about fundraising is one of the major reasons people turn down amazing opportunities with nonprofit organizations. But this doesn't have to be the case for you! You can learn the skills of fundraising now, including growing your relationship network, communication skills, and entrepreneurial spirit. These will empower you to pursue work with a nonprofit and benefit you in a plethora of future endeavors throughout your life.
4 Questions to Ask When Considering Cross-Cultural Ministry
4 Questions to Ask When Considering Cross-Cultural Ministry
Has the idea of cross-cultural ministry been on your mind? Here are four questions to help you discern your situation and move forward with confidence.
5 Essential Commitments for Sustainable Impact In A Cross-Cultural Setting
5 Essential Commitments for Sustainable Impact In A Cross-Cultural Setting
Every church or organization that invests deeply in Jesus’ work wants to see lasting change -- lives and communities transformed. Here are 5 commitments that can make that effort successful.