Allison Crino
Director of Training
Contact Information:
773-458-5500 (Call/Text)
What would you like participants to know about your family?
I am married to Eugenio Gallastegui, whom I met in Mexico City in 2011 between mission assignments. We have three kiddos–two wild boys--Carlos (6) and Leonardo (4) who currently love playing soldiers, and a darling baby girl, Sara Sofia. Her hobby is blowing spit bubbles.
What are your hobbies? What is a fun fact you would like the participants to know about you?
I bake sourdough bread several times a week. It’s a spiritual practice! I also homeschool.
What do you hope participants will take away from your session(s)?
Jesus. There is no other reason we are doing this--this radical thing of changing our whole lives. If we lose sight of Jesus, if we forget to find him in the margins, if we stop walking in his dust or feeling his embrace, STOP everything ministry and find Jesus.
What would you like to share with participants about how you connect with the Lord, as an encouragement to them?
Liturgy of the Hours–it’s an ancient spiritual practice. I can’t do it three times a day with the kid chaos, but try to get in at least one Divine Office in the morning.