Scott White

Vice President of Global Connections


Contact Information:


What would you like participants to know about your family?

Aimee and I have been married for 32 years and have 4 adult daughters.

What are your hobbies? What is a fun fact you would like the participants to know about you?

My main hobby is trying to fix up my house since we became "empty-nesters". Fun fact: 9 years ago, I fell 26 feet off my roof and survived.

What do you hope participants will take away from your session(s)?

God has given you the privilege and responsibility to be a bridge for many others to play a valuable role in His global mission by helping to foster partnerships.

What would you like to share with participants about how you connect with the Lord, as an encouragement to them?

For a long time I wanted to feel God's presence and struggled with doubt because I couldn't feel it. I then was challenged to believe it's true, despite my feelings, because He says He is with me. By declaring the truth and trusting without feeling, He taught my heart to be at peace and know His presence is with me. Now it's easier to sense it also.


Allison Crino


Evan Wise