Enlarging Our Focus

Pray for Transformation in Central Bulgaria — Day 6


Enlarging Our Focus

God has strategically placed us in the heart of Bulgaria and is leading our team to connect with more communities in the region. Families from Tulovo use services and institutions, such as schools and larger clinics, in nearby cities. We can have an impact beyond Tulovo, and doing so can help our work in Tulovo.


Prayer Points for Today:

  • For us to listen well as we visit local communities. May we see through God’s eyes and recognize the ways that He is already at work.

  • That we can connect with the right community leaders and services in the nearby villages and cities, working to bring people together to identify local assets and work toward collaborative problem solving.

  • That God would give us wisdom as we look for beginning steps in several communities, leading to initiatives that our One Collective team can help implement alongside local residents and change makers.


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Local Partnerships


Early Marriage