Ministry Center

Pray for the Middle East — Day 7


Ministry Center

We are looking to tear down and rebuild our central ministry center, which hosts several of our ministries, including Tea House, Moms and Tots, and “Life” Church. It is the largest Protestant Christian center in our country, and provides a substantially increased level of security and freedom of ministry. Rebuilding will require significant wisdom, finances, and time.


Prayer Points for Today:

For the Ministry

  • That we would have favor with the municipality in approving plans and that we could swiftly overcome bureaucratic hurdles.

  • That there would be continued unity with the minority owners in the building as we move forward.

  • That there would be peace with one minority owner who is providing resistance to proceeding.

  • That the director of the zoning board would act with integrity and diligence.

  • That we would continue experiencing protection, provision, and favor.

For the Team

  • That we would have wisdom in regard to the timing of when to begin and how much additional space to seek to add.    

  • That God would provide the right people to oversee the project.

For those Served

  • That God would provide a suitable space for us to rent while the building is out of use. This is necessary for multiple of our ongoing ministries.

  • That new spaces would be created which are more conducive to our ministries thriving.


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Transform Uzhhorod Alliance


Unreached People Groups Outreach