Chibolya Community
Pray for Zambia — Day 5
About the Chibolya Community
Situated in sub-Saharan Africa, this community of approximately 4,500 people faces a number of spiritual, economic, and humanitarian challenges. Chibolya is known for the open sale of drugs, as well as for alcoholism, robberies, extreme poverty, and gender-based violence. The village has a very high unemployment rate which adds to the previous issues.
Prayer Points for Today:
For the Ministry
That Chibolya would become a place where relationships are grown and fostered and people are brought closer together to God and one another.
That the transformation of Chibolya would be visible and tangible.
For the Team
That the Holy Spirit would give us grace and patience with those from the community.
That we would be sensitive to the Spirit and see the things that He wants us to see.
That we would all live lives of blind faith and boldly step out in all that God has for us.
For those Served
For the people to truly know who God is and how that relates to their day to day life.
That people would know and experience the freedom that comes in Christ so that they can pursue God’s calling and purpose for their life.
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