Men’s Ministry

Pray for Zambia — Day 6


About the Men’s Ministry

In Zambia over 60 percent of people live below the poverty line and 42 percent are classified as extremely poor. Most live on less than $1.90 per day, including many in Chibolya. Food insecurity is high because many people do not have access to a regular food supply. Due to high food prices families spend approximately 64 percent of their income on basic food needs. As men are seen as the main source of income for their families, these statistics leave little hope for the men of this community. 


Prayer Points for Today:

For the Ministry

  • That God will give clear guidance and direction for the creation of programs that involve the men of Chibolya.

  • That God would open the doors for new partnerships with outside organizations to enhance transformation. 

For the Team

  • For patience and perseverance to work with the men of Chibolya. 

  • For Boniface, who has been working with the men and has started a new Bible study. That he may be filled with the Spirit and be a strong influence and teacher in the lives of the men.

  • To be great role models within the community to be the men that God has created us to be.

For those Served

  • That they would be open to the word of God and would go out to others and teach what they know and learn.

  • That they would be committed to the programs and relationships.

  • That they would trust God and other people for their needs.


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Chibolya Community