MODULE 4 - Section 2

Preparing for Partnership

10 Minutes to complete section and related assignments

In this section, you will learn:

  1. How to prepare for partnership conversations to achieve shared goals.

  2. How to develop partnership opportunities that benefit both parties.

  3. The four benefits of cross-cultural partnerships for U.S. fellowships.

  4. What Turnkey Initiatives are

Partnership conversations center around how to work together in order to accomplish shared goals. Those conversations quickly move from theoretical ideas about what a meaningful partnership is to the practical things a partner can do to achieve the goal. Preparing for that conversation means getting clear on your current ministry priorities and the practical ways partners are needed to help those succeed. This section provides a few tips for developing partnership opportunities that also benefit your partners, as well as opportunities that can be easily reproduced.

Make it a Win-Win

Partnership is a two-way street, and your community is not the only one that benefits. Our experience has shown that U.S. fellowships are interested in cross-cultural partnerships because they provide one or more of the following four benefits to their people:


Short-term teams are an obvious way to allow partners to participate, but think creatively. Think of a variety of ways you can utilize individual expertise. Think of meaningful ways to engage them in prayer, learning, advising or advocating without even having to come to your location. Be sure to make use of Virtual Tours and Virtual Short-Term Teams! 


Partnership opportunities should intentionally include ways participants can learn more about the challenges of your community and the ways God is at work. Through an ongoing partnership, we have the privilege and responsibility to help expose damaging methods and paternalistic attitudes and to stir hearts for more of Jesus and His Kingdom.


Cross-cultural relationships reveal a bigger view of God and His world. Intentionally creating such connections for an ongoing partner can be very enriching for many in a fellowship. Meaningful relationships help foster commitment.


When a fellowship has had real ownership in a cause and can celebrate the success they’ve helped to achieve, then they sense the joy of their own missional calling. New passion, energy, and resources can be released.


Remembering these “PECC benefits” (Participation, Education, Connection and Celebration) can help you create opportunities for collaboration that foster a healthy, win-win partnership. Keeping these in mind will also help you communicate with partners when you invite them to become more involved. Most will be particularly interested in one or two of the PECC benefits. Some may strongly resonate with all four. In any case, being aware of these will help you be more attuned to the benefits they are looking for when they consider partnering with you.

Utilize “Turnkey Initiatives”

Not all impactful partnership opportunities have to be highly customized and take a lot of work. Some - like a prayer initiative, for example - can be relatively easy for you to implement and to replicate with other partners. Something is considered “turnkey” when it comes ready to use; all you have to do is turn the key. When fostering more partner relationships, it’s wise to identify a few Turnkey Initiatives that potential partners can be invited to participate in.

What makes something a Turnkey Initiative?

  1. Meaningfully contributes to your long-term strategy

  2. Works well for many groups/fellowships

  3. Easy to implement and repeat

  4. Limited duration

  5. You have the capacity to do it multiple times or with multiple partners in a year

  6. Your contact in a fellowship could be the champion for it

  7. Offers value to partners as well (PECC)

What are examples of Turnkey Initiatives?

  1. Virtual Tours and Virtual Short-term Teams

  2. Prayer initiatives (24-hour, 1-week, month-long, etc.)

  3. An online business mentor program for local entrepreneurs/business owners

  4. Certain short-term teams, like those involving children, sports or English

  5. Sponsorships or other funding projects that provide a way to learn and participate 

What’s are a couple of Turnkey Initiatives your team could put in place that could benefit your partners and your long-term strategy?


Preparing for Organizational Partnerships

Based on the information provided in Sections 1 & 2, seek to clarify how partnership can help your ministry and the practical opportunities you can share with potential partners. Complete this worksheet and then discuss each question with your Catalyst.

Finalizing the “Practical Opportunities Table” will prepare you to talk with potential partners about practical, strategic ways they can make a greater impact.