Luke’s Inn

Years ago, a Spanish charity called REMAR built an addiction-recovery center in Masatepe on 7acres of land just outside of town. Their program was successful and to accommodate growth they bought a larger property several hours away and left town, leaving a gaping hole in Masatepe’s society. Today, addiction runs rampant, undoubtedly a result from decades of poverty and oppression. Drunken men can be found strewn throughout the streets of the city on any given day, sadly becoming a very common sight and sad reality for the resident women and children.

In 2015, several of our church partners in Masatepe invited us into an opportunity to purchase the old abandoned facility and reactivate both the farm and the recovery program that was previously REMAR. We were able to purchase the property for $120,000 and invested another $50,000 in improvements and reactivating the farm.

Today we have 1,000 chickens, a dozen pigs, and a diversified agriculture program including citrus, coffee, cocoa, moringa, turmeric, avocado and more. The farm produces over $90,000 in annual (local) revenue from produce and livestock sales, with plans to double production in 2020. In 2019, we produced over 130,000 eggs from our laying operating, of which 46,000 were given away to local preschoolers. Now that the farm is producing a sustainable amount of income and food, we plan to launch the rehab program in 2020, allowing for 8-12 residents to live on-site undergoing addiction treatment while working with their hands on the farm.

*In March of 2020, at the time of writing this report, the very first two residents are living on-site undergoing treatment!


Beto’s Coffee Co.


Beto’s Bistro