Medical Assistance
Pray for Ukraine — Day 2
About Medical Assistance IN Ukraine:
With the number of IDPs in our city increasing each day living in trauma and not ideal situations, the number of illnesses has spiked. At the same time, there was a shortage of doctors as many had fled the country. As medicine was being rushed to the front lines to treat soldiers, the pharmacies began to experience empty shelves. It was especially difficult for those with diabetes as insulin was hard to find. We partnered with Heartbeat Mission and In His Image in bringing over medical teams to provide pop-up clinics in our IDP centers.
Prayer Points for Today:
- Pray for medical volunteers to continue coming to Ukraine to provide pop-up clinics for the IDP families that arrive daily.
- Pray for the new clinic that has just formed that will provide medical assistance to IDP families. Pray for the resources they need to continue to purchase the equipment they need to assist these families.
- Pray for soldiers on the front line who are being injured every day and need medical attention. Pray for the medical supplies that troops need to care for the injured.
- Pray especially for those who suffer from diabetes that a constant supply of insulin will continue to be provided to Ukraine during this crisis.
- Pray for additional medical supplies that we can provide to the communities along the front line of the conflict.
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